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ポスドク募集のお知らせ ( Massachusetts General Hospital )

Allan Goldstein labの堀田亮と申します。 この度は当ラボに興味を持って頂きありがとうございます。

我々の研究室はMGH Simches Research Center内にあり、テクニシャン1人、ポスドク1人、ファカルティー1人(私)に加え、流動的ながら医学生、クリニカルフェローが通常1ー2人、という比較的小さなラボです。

研究テーマは腸管神経の発生と再生です。脳-腸相関、gut feelingなどの言葉から連想されるように、腸管にも固有の神経ネットワークがあり、脳と密接な連絡を取りつつ、しかしながら同時に脳からは独立して、腸管の様々な機能、例えば蠕動運動の制御を行なっております。


細胞培養、免疫染色、live cell imaging、molecular biologyの一般的なご経験がある方が望ましいですが、特殊な技術は必要としないポストと考えております。ご興味のある方のご連絡をお待ちしております。

Ryo Hotta MD PhD Pediatric Surgical Research Lab MassGeneral Hospital +1 617 816 4915

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position Available Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Job Location: Laboratory of Allan Goldstein, MD Pediatric Surgery Research Lab Massachusetts General Hospital 185 Cambridge Street CPZN 6-100 Boston, MA 02114

Job description: The Goldstein Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow interested in pursuing innovative studies on the enteric nervous system.

Duties and Responsibilities: The fellow will join a collaborative group of scientists with expertise in studying the basic and translational biology of enteric neuronal stem cells. The research aims to enhance our understanding of embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis in the intestine and to leverage expertise in stem cell biology to develop novel cell therapy strategies for the treatment of neurointestinal diseases. This position provides outstanding opportunities for continued scientific development and for contributing to pioneering research with high translational impact. The scientific environment at Massachusetts General Hospital and surrounding institutions offers ample opportunity for productive collaborations.

Job requirements: The candidate will have a solid foundation in experimental research with a strong record of publication. A PhD or MD degree is required. Expertise in molecular and/or stem cell biology is necessary. Experience working with rodents and/or large animals is preferred. Fundamental knowledge of neurobiology and/or developmental biology is welcome. Outstanding oral and written communication skills are important.

Additional Information: Please include a cover letter with your resume.

To apply for this position, please email or send your resume to: Allan Goldstein, MD 185 Cambridge Street CPZN 6-100 Boston, MA 02114

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