私の友人であるEmory University, Winship Cancer Institute の Jing Chen教授がポスドクを募集しています。Jing Chenラボでは、がん細胞における細胞内シグナル伝達と代謝の連関についてインパクトのある研究を多数行っています。公式の募集案内は下記の通りです。応募はJing Chen教授 (jchen[at]emory.edu) に直接お願い致します。応募や問い合わせの前に、なにか質問がある方は私までご連絡くださっても結構です (ジョージア大学生化学分子生物学部 伊藤, ito[at]bmb.uga.edu) 。※[at]を@としてください)。 Jing Chen研究室のWebsiteはこちら。https://www.sites.google.com/site/winshipchenlab/
Postdoctoral Fellow Positions TWO POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS IN CANCER RESEARCH are available immediately for highly motivated young scientists to investigate the role of signaling basis and therapy development in human tumorigenesis and cancer cell metabolism. Our research focuses on translational and preclinical studies on human leukemias and tumors with ultimate goals to develop molecularly-targeted therapeutic strategies to treat human cancers. For related works of our lab, please see:
Cancer Cell 2007, 12(3):201-14; Science Signaling 2009, 2(97) ra73; Molecular Cell 2011, 44(6):864-77; Cancer Cell 2012, 22(5): 585-600; Molecular Cell 2014, 53(4):534-548; Molecular Cell 2014, 55(4):552-65; Molecular Cell 2015, 59:345–358; Nature Cell Biology 2015, 17(11):1484-9; Molecular Cell 2016, 64(5):859-874; Cell Metabolism 2017, 25(2):358-373; Molecular Cell 2018, 69(6):923-937.
Successful candidate must hold a doctoral-level degree with solid background of biochemistry, genetics and molecular and cellular biology. Applicants should send a CV, and the names and contact information of three references to:
Jing Chen, Ph.D. Professor and R. Randall Rollins Chair in Oncology Director, Division of Basic and Translational Sciences Associate Director of Research, Division of Hematology Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology
Co-Leader, Cancer Cell Biology (CCB) Program Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University
1365-C Clifton Rd. NE, C-3002 Atlanta, GA 30322 E-mail: jchen[at]emory.edu